✦ Welcome to [www.tofokyo.com] ✦ New episode of Kero Kero Groove now available! Head over to the movies page to check it out ✦ I pray to god you guys have working Air Conditioning ✦ Don't mind the sparkles, it might make stuff harder to click but in return you get a cool effect :J ✦ Oh yeah if it wasn't apparent already, this website was made for 1080p screens (how ironic) ✦ Don't tell me what to do! ✦

It's the new age!
Uploaded December 30th, 2022 | Go Back

8485 - purgatory

Yeahhh check it out, I got a blogpage running now what the fuuuu- IDK why it took me so long, it was actually pretty simple for me to set up all things considered

Studio Gainax - FLCL

Now that it's finally up though, you can be sure to expect a lot more posts from me- I like the potential for displaying my projects in whatever format I want as long as I know how to code it, so I'm definitely going to try and make each post as interesting as I can.

I don't have any current projects that I can share info on at the moment, but as a peace offering, I can show this misa sketch that's been in "work-in-progress hell" for months now. I wanna get back to it someday, but commission work takes first u_u

Black Ink with Niko G Nib

Isn't she pretty? My original plans were to try and do the entire thing traditionally, doing the background in watercolor, painting misa herself on an acetate cel- I didn't entirely know what look I was going for, but I knew I wanted it to look authentic to cel drawn anime.

Actually, there was this one other thing that happened yesterday...

Goddamn cryptobros at it again

I got hacked? Kind-of? Somehow someone gained access to making tweets under my account, and used that vulnrebility to shill out some crypto bs? IDK, I fucking hate crypto, but regardless it was a pretty stressful situation, I was stuck at my job when it went down so taking action was not something I could immediately do! As of right now though at least, all suspicious activity seems to be gone, changed my passwords and all that junk.

Unfortunately, that's all I have to share for now, but just you wait, the next post will be wayyyy more interesting!

Until then... -tofokyo

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New animation available on the movies page!

All music is now managed through the webamp plugin. The songs might need a sec to load, so if they don't have a duration listed just wait a few minutes and refresh the page. Playlist containing all the songs can be found here.

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